
Emanuela Laurenti is a freelance photographer, based in Rome, specializing in interior and real estate photography and documentary photography. She is co-founder of DI-STANZE Studio Fotografico.
After a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures, she specialized first in Photoediting at the Scuola Romana di Fotografia and then in Publishing, Journalism and Communication at the University of Roma Tre.
Always passionate about visual arts, she deepened her photographic studies by attending various courses and workshops. Among the teachers: Ricardo Cases, Federico Clavarino, Max Pinckers, Jeffrey Ladd, Gregoire Pujade-Lauraine, J Carrier, Jason Fulford, Eloi Gimeno, Ed Panar, Hans Gremmen.
From October 2015 to May 2016 she attended the AM Modern Documentary Photography held by Massimo Mastrorillo at D.O.O.R ACADEMY. In 2017 she also participated in the Production Process of a Photographic Book workshop held by the photographer Rafal Milach and book designer Ania Nalecka. In March 2018 she attended the Master BOOK held by Antonio Xoubanova, Ricardo Cases Massimo Mastrorillo.

Solo Exhibitions
2016 | BeTwin I Il Granello di Sabbia, Civita Castellana, VT, Italy

Group Exhibitions

2024I Io stesso non ha sentito niente, pur essendo lì I finalist project “Premio Driving Energy 2024”, Palazzo Esposizioni, Rome, Italy
2020 | At night flamingos fly | London Photo Show, Bargehouse Gallery, London’s Southbank, UK
2018 | At night flamingos fly, music theatre piece/photo installation | deSingel Antwerp, Belgium
2018 | Quello che (io) non ho | Pensare Migrante, Città dell’Altra Economia, Rome, Italy
2017 | At night flamingos fly | White Noise Gallery, Rome, Italy
2017 | The Kurdish Bride | Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
2017 | At night flamingos fly | The Others Art Fair, Torino, Italy
2017 | I was not even of the same nature as men | Made in… Art Gallery, Venice, Italy
2016 | I was not even of the same nature as men | Interno 3-Dei Zeno, Rome, Italy

2023 I Clic.hè Webmagazine, Non aprire che all’oscuro
2019 | Underexposed Magazine, At night flamingos fly
2018 | Fanzine, Self-publishing, I was not even of the same nature as men
2017 | Artwort, At night flamingos fly
2017 | Il Fotografo, At night flamingos fly
2016 | Float Photo Magazine, The weight of salt
2016 | Positive Magazine, The weight of salt
2016 | ArtAbout, BeTwin
2015 | Fotoziti, fanzine produced during the workshop with Ricardo Cases
2015 | Parallelo Zero, The Kurdish Bride
2014 | Visioni contemporanee tra fantasia e realtà, Ed. ARSEV Ars et Evolutio, Vestiti di Corpo e Anima
2014 | Il contemporaneo nell’arte, Ed. ARSEV Ars et Evolutio

2017 | 1st Place – Media Congress “Dialog of Culture”, The Kurdish Bride
2016 | 1st Place – Moscow International Photography Awards – MIFA , Category: People/Professional, The Kurdish Bride